How Cognitive Dissonance relates to Alcohol Abuse

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How Cognitive Dissonance relates to Alcohol Abuse
cognitive dissonance addiction

According to Festinger, there are a few ways that a person might resolve this dissonance. These 17 Positive CBT & Cognitive Therapy Exercises [PDF] include our top-rated, ready-made templates for helping others develop more helpful thoughts and behaviors in response to challenges, while broadening the scope of traditional CBT. The Positive Psychology Toolkit© is a groundbreaking practitioner resource containing over 500 science-based exercises, activities, interventions, questionnaires, and assessments created by experts using the latest positive psychology research. Their questionnaire includes items regarding the decision-making process before and after the purchase. The full text can be requested from the authors free of charge via the ResearchGate website. Cognitive dissonance was measured indirectly by asking participants about changes in their opinion about how enjoyable the task was following the experiment.

Treatment strategies in the relapse prevention

cognitive dissonance addiction

Third, the role of self-efficacy has been widely studied in the field of psychology, particularly in the areas of motivation, achievement, and mental health. Bandura [45] first introduced the concept of self-efficacy and defined it as “people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise control over events that affect their cognitive dissonance addiction lives”. Self-efficacy has been found to play a critical role in determining an individual’s behavior, attitudes, and decisions, particularly in the face of challenges and stress [98]. In the context of information systems, self-efficacy has been studied in relation to various aspects of user behavior, such as technology adoption, usage behavior, and satisfaction [99].

How To Resolve Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance suggests that addicts may modify their reasoning processes to support the satisfaction of impulses. For an addict, while craving, the world is experienced in a very different way compared to the way when the craving is satisfied. Craving distorts addicts’ ability to process information in a manner that promotes drug use.

Early Studies of Cognitive Dissonance

cognitive dissonance addiction

His alcohol consumption increased and began affecting his work, and functioning. He reported difficulty sleeping if he did not drink, could not get past the day without drinking or thinking about his next drink (establishment of a dependence pattern). His wife brought him for treatment and he was not keen on taking help He did not believe it was a problem (stage of change).

  • The findings suggest that self-efficacy plays a negative role in regulating the impact of cognitive dissonance on discontinuous usage intentions, which provides important insights for the design and development of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms.
  • When someone tells a lie and feels uncomfortable about it because he fundamentally sees himself as an honest person, he may be experiencing cognitive dissonance.
  • Moreover, the study highlights the significance of self-efficacy in regulating the relationship between information overload, service overload, user addiction, and cognitive dissonance.
  • By Neha KashyapKashyap is a New York-based health journalist with a bachelor's degree in print journalism from the University of Southern California.
  • Sometimes the individual can hold beliefs and opinions that are contradictory or that contradicts their behaviour.

However, its application in the field of information systems has been limited until recent years. Several studies have investigated the relationship between cognitive dissonance and different outcomes such as attitude change, behavior change, and consumer decision making [96,97]. This study adds to the prior research by providing empirical evidence for the role of cognitive dissonance in discontinuous usage intentions of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platform users. Previous studies mainly centered on the discontinuous usage intention of social media users, and achieved many research results, mainly focusing on the following five aspects.

  • Some of the ways people reduce discomfort from cognitive dissonance include seeking information that aligns with and supports current beliefs, reducing the conflicting belief's importance, and changing beliefs to reduce the feelings of conflict.
  • For example, long-term cannabis users have impaired learning, retention, and retrieval of dictated words, and both long-term and short-term users show deficits in - time estimation (Solowij et al., 2002), although how long these deficits persist is not yet known.
  • Thomas has been in the Santa Cruz area his whole life and is proud to serve his community in fighting addiction one client at a time.
  • Cognitive dissonance plays a role in many value judgments, decisions, and evaluations.
  • All this might explain why certain concepts and ideas appear rational to some people and entirely irrational for others (such as an addict’s ability to justify their excessive drinking).

The results of the study offer empirical evidence for the role of cognitive dissonance in discontinuous usage intentions and provide insights into the relationship between information overload, service overload, user addiction, and cognitive dissonance. Moreover, the study highlights the significance of self-efficacy in regulating the relationship between information overload, service overload, user addiction, and cognitive dissonance. The results show that self-efficacy plays a negative role in regulating the impact of cognitive dissonance on discontinuous usage intentions, which is important for the design and development of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms. Finally, information overload theory posits that when individuals are exposed to excessive information, their ability to process and comprehend the information is compromised, leading to cognitive overload and dissonance [101]. The study’s findings add to the body of literature supporting this theory, particularly in the context of pan-entertainment mobile live broadcast platforms. The study identifies information overload as a critical factor contributing to cognitive dissonance, leading to discontinuous usage intentions among platform users.

Understanding the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction

Luqman et al. [33] verified the fatigue psychology of Facebook users who stop using it and introduced the effect of technical stress. Second, based on the “stressor-strain-outcome” model, it suggested that the strain variables, such as fatigue and fear of missing out, generated discontinuous usage intentions [11]. Fourth, the behavioral theory was introduced into self-determination theory to integrate the effects of subjective norms, attitudes, and perceived behavioral control on discontinuous usage [17]. Fifth, some researchers have explored how affective factors, such as frustration and dissatisfaction, may impact users’ information avoidance intention, leading to discontinuous usage [36,37].

cognitive dissonance addiction

Examples of Cognitive Dissonance in Alcoholism

There’s a certain kind of confidence that comes with being grounded in your beliefs. It feels good knowing you’re able to uphold certain values, like the ones you learned from your parents and caregivers or the ones you’ve carved out for yourself based on your own personal experiences. The size and significance of path coefficients are used to evaluate the relationship between research hypotheses. A value closer to 1 indicates a stronger positive correlation, while a value closer to −1 indicates a stronger negative correlation.

cognitive dissonance addiction

How Cognitive Dissonance Feels

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